How a new headshot can help you reach your goals.

Your ultimate goal in life is to become your best self. Your immediate goal is to get on the path that will lead you there. --David Viscott

We’re nearly two weeks into 2020. Two weeks is enough time for us to still be thinking about those new years resolutions we set…but long enough they are already starting to loose their shine. Creating new habits is hard work. Believe it or not, a new headshot can be a powerful anchor to help you stay on track.

“How,” you might ask?

To answer that, let’s assume you’ve already set your goal. Let’s look at some goal-achievement basics.

Mindset is everything

Law of Attaction guru Bob Proctor talks extensively about the need for a paradigm shift if you want to accomplish any major goal. According to him–and many other personal development experts–the single most important aspect of success or failure in obtaining your goals is found in what self-image you have.

In order to achieve your goals, you need to believe you can. If you want to improve your fitness, you need to first see yourself as somebody who eats well and/or works out. If you are a business owner that wants to double or 10x your revenue, you need to see yourself as a confident, knowledgeable entrepreneur who is capable of growing business.

Visualize your goals.

Jack Nicklaus is widely considered to be the greatest golfer of all time. He once said “I never hit a shot, not even in practice, without having a very sharp in-focus picture of it in my head.”

Many people have used the practice of visualization to increase their odds of success.

Vision boards, motivational posters and other visual cues are widely viewed in the personal development community as useful tools to serve as frequent and constant reminders for people who hope to broaden their potential.

Think big, act small

“A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

“Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

“Focus on the journey, not the destination.”

You’ve heard these proverbs before. They (and many more like them) basically speak to the importance of taking constant, small actions in order to achieve your goals. Few life goals worth achieving can be accomplished through a couple of quick, large actions.

I already knew these things. What does a new headshot have to do with any of this?

Glad you asked.

We work with our clients to create headshots that express a message to the people viewing them. For most people in a business environment, we try to create photos that communicate “knowledgeable and personable”. A similar message is “confident and approachable.” These expressions help people establish trust to make business connections, get hired, or land a gig.

These images serve as an effective business tool.

But what if you used your headshot as a personal development tool?

Let’s make a photo of you that strongly communicates “capable and determined.”

You can use that image as a springboard towards changing and improving your own self-image. If your headshot erased any look of self-doubt, it could be a tool to communicate–to others and yourself- that you are a person who can realize the goals you set to achieve.

See the mental note here we are creating here? I want you to mentally attach this image to your sense of determination to achieve your goal. Now that we’ve done that we are going to use it to replaced your Facebook or Instagram profile photo.

It will serve as a daily reminder of these goals and your resolve to accomplish them. This is a powerful tool. Every time you see this image of yourself I want you to ask, “what can I do today–possibly right now–that will get me closer to my goal?”. Then do it. Small baby steps to success.

Action steps

A new headshot alone isn’t going to magically get you fit, quit your smoking habit, or earn you a million dollars. But it can be a powerful tool to help your set intention and achieve your goals. Here’s a quick summary:

  • Get a great headshot that will help improve your self-image. We like the idea of one that communicates “confident & capable.”
  • Assign a mental note to that photo. Every time you see it, it’ll anchor your thoughts back to the goals you’ve set for yourself.
  • Make this your profile photo on your social media accounts. Allow your profile photo to serve as a frequent and daily reminder to take constant steps toward your goal.
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